Wow, just wow. Lonely robot theme is so right about being punched in the gut.

I got that stomach sort of flipping when you you're in a lift (elevator) why did I translate that, anyway you are amazing

"as is this writing.

and I know you wondered

if I wanted, too,


with you

I think, maybe, I do."

"Maybe you don’t have to

sacrifice your beating heart whole

and bloody, wrenched from your chest,

maybe you can just offer its care to someone

who might treat it with gentleness."

Oof these hit hard in all the right ways 🙏💕

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Oh my gosh, thank you! That is such a flattering thing to read, I love that you got that feeling!

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This is incredible! I love all of it. So tender, but also kinda violent. When I got to "maybe I could be good at this" I had to stop reading. Only because the image it conjured was so stirring, I had to write a poem of my own before continuing.

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Oh my god I love that that happened! And thank you!!!

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Wow! Fi-yurrr! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Haha thank you!

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Oh wow!!! I feel like I’ve been punch in the gut, but in a loving, I want more way!!! You just keep in getting better and better, more passionate and engaging. I adore this and you so much 💕

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What a fantastic reaction to have, thank you so much!

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No no thank you!! I’ve been re-reading this all afternoon trying to let it all sink in.

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You are the best seriously. I have a few poems I can’t put up here because I want to publish them (hopefully? maybe?) but I think you might enjoy them so I can send them to you if you like. DM me!

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Yes please 🙏

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