I enjoy your poems and writing, Maia! I love to drum and be in drum circles, and Joy Harjo and Gary Snyder are two of my favorite poets. Keep on shining!

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Drumming, wow, that must require some SERIOUS coordination. And thank you for the recommendations, I love learning about new poets! And you as well!

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Maia, drumming, particularly hand style, is soMething anyone can do! It starts with a heartbeat! 🪘

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Haha I think my existence was made to challenge that statement.

When I took dance, I remember after one recital, my mother told me that I “was not the worst one.” Which I actually appreciated because it was honest lol

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I can relate, Maia! In 4th grade they made the whole grade try out for choir. All but four boys made it. I was one of the four. Our teacher was so angry he ordered us to go back and try again. They took two of the four, and I was one of the two who did not make it! What a memory to carry!

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Oh my god that must have felt so rough!

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I adore this, you and Kafka on the Shore! Murakami is an absolute favourite of time. And now you’ve given me another idea for a poem…👌🏽

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OMG I can’t wait!!

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Writing it at the moment

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Always lovely to see a new post from you! I love getting to know you (or new subs,) better, too. But I think you knew that. 🙂

I have not read Kafka on the Shore, even though I adore Murakami. He's so good and creative; his stories make you think; and of course, beautiful prose.

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Thank you so much! And I love getting to know YOU better too!

Kafka on the Shore is hella weird, fair warning. Like one of, if THE, weirdest ones he's written. I also fucking adore Murakami for his use of language and his weirdness tbh, enough that I allow myself a step back from the way he treats female characters at times

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Sep 15Liked by Maia Brown-Jackson


Perject. Just FYI: I love weird. The weirder, the better is my motto! Oh? Are some of his female characters treated unfairly in a somewhat sexist or misogynistic manner?

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Cats on wooden floors are one of the things that make life worth living.

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THIS cat makes life worth living tbh

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