Much could be said of all this I am. There is super abundance of being in this that could be a little too much for some readers who passed the mid-point may think they have read enough of this I am. I do not mind it so much as long as it gives me newness, and this does in some ways. The 'I am" has its variety.

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I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this! The repetition was an intentional stylistic choice but it’s good for me to know how it reads to different people.

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My two favorites:

"I’m 3am.

I’m haunted.

I’m strobe lights and happy face pills.

I’m terribly alone.

I’m noon.

I’m halfway over. Halfway done.

Halfway to dead. To rot.

I’m the zenith. The peak.

I’m always looking down."

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Thank you I so appreciate you sharing! I feel like there’s a common vibe between those two, I get it

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