Thank you so much for using your voice here to draw attention and awareness to this genocide! I don’t read the news much to protect my mental health, but news about the wider world always still manages to filter in. I am grateful to have read this incredibly powerful post and been reminded of the impact and importance of raising our voices! I will happily read anything you choose to share, and will write my federal government to advocate for these oppressed and suffering peoples! Endless applause to you for your incredible courage!!! 👏👏👏✍️✍️✍️❤️❤️❤️

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Oh my gosh, you're amazing! Thank you for caring AND taking action that's incredible and exactly what I hoped might happen so this is amazing! I'm so glad that this post was good for you to read and not bad-wider-world. And you are seriously too kind!

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Awwwww, thank you! You are too kind too!!! 💖💖💖

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